Origin of Thanksgiving Day

Journey of Pilgrims
The legendary pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the year 1620 in Mayflower-A 17th Century sailing vessel. About 102 people traveled for nearly two months with extreme difficulty. This was so because they were kept in the cargo space of the sailing vessel. No one was allowed to go on the deck due to terrible storms. The pilgrims comforted themselves by singing Psalms- a sacred song.

pilgrims (peregrinos)
vessel (barco)
traveled (viajaron)
kept (guardaban)
cargo space (bodega)
allow (permitir)
deck (cubierta)
storms (tormentas)
comforted (se consolaban)

Arrival in Plymouth
The pilgrims reached Plymouth after a sea journey of 66 days with storms and bad weather. Nearly46 pilgrims died due to extreme cold in winter. However, in the spring of 1621, Squanto, a native Indian taught the pilgrims to survive by growing food.
reached (llegaron)
journey (viaje)
died (murieron)
due (debido a )
however (sin embargo)
taught (enseñaron)
survive (sobrevivir)
growing (cultivar)

Day of Fasting and Prayer
In the summer of 1621, they had a severe drought, pilgrims prayed God ask for or rain and good. Al last it rained. And they saved the corn crops. 

First Thanksgiving Feast
It is said that Pilgrims learnt to grow corn, beans and pumpkins from the Indians, which helped all of them survive . In the autumn of 1621, they held a grand celebration where 90 people were invited including Indians. The grand feast was organized to thank god for his favors. This communal dinner is popularly known as “The first thanksgiving feast”.
held (celebraron)

celebration (fiesta)
known (conocido)

President Lincoln proclaimed last Thursday in November of thanksgiving in the year 1863.

Tradition of Gifting
Thanksgiving is a time for gifting your family and friends. The day is a time to show your gratitude and respect to your elders, friends, your siblings and also your colleagues. Popular gifts include thanksgiving flowers, jewellery, baked cookie hampers, chocolate gift baskets, candy-wreaths, wine etc.
gift (regalar, regalo)
show (mostrar)
siblings (hermanos)
cookie hampers (cestos de galletas)
wreath (guirnalda)

Thanksgiving day is also the official beginning of the Christmas season. 

Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth 

Thursday in the month of November. It has a very inte

resting history.
Thanksgiving Day Celebration in United States

Until recently, people believed Thanksgiving Day to be a 

celebration of pilgrims, offering food to Indians. It is also a

celebration to mark the respect towards Indians for teaching

 the pilgrims how to cook. Pilgrims could not have survived

 without the help of the native Indians.

until (hasta)
believed (creían)
could not (no podían)

Thanksgiving Day Symbols  (click on the word)
Pumpkin, Turkey, Corn, Cranberry, Cornucopia, Beans  


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